The Task Manager has been around for a long time.
The app gives you access to many functions that can help with your efforts to monitor, control and optimise your operating system. It can also be used to diagnose system problems by showing abnormal use of resources. High usage of CPU, Memory, network or disk usage can indicate problems whose cause needs to be found and reduced. If you are tweaking your system settings you will want to see how effective they are by reviewing the relevant categories.
The Task Manager has been around for a long time.
The app gives you access to many functions that can help with your efforts to monitor, control and optimise your operating system. It can also be used to diagnose system problems by showing abnormal use of resources. High usage of CPU, Memory, network or disk usage can indicate problems whose cause needs to be found and reduced. If you are tweaking your system settings you will want to see how effective they are by reviewing the relevant categories.

Cool Geek Clues
Windows 10 Calculator
The Calculator is a supplied app. It is very versatile and provides many options. This page provides an overview and is not intended to provide details of each mode.
The calculator can be located in the All Apps view or on the Start Menu if you have pinned it there.
If you are going to use it frequently you may consider pinning it to the task bar.

The calculator opens in the last session viewed. To open the functions you must click on the three horizontal bars in the top left.

Pretty boring just the normal calculator that has been around for years.
Trigonometric, modulo, raise to power, log, exponential, sqaure root, factorial
Hex, Decimal, Oct, Binary, logic, modulo, Left/Right binary shift
Date Calculation
Shows the number of days between two dates. There is also a function that allows you to add or subtract days to a given date
Converter for most of the worlds currencies
Converter for volumetric measures including metric, UK and US, Millilitres, cubic centimetres, litres, cubic meters, teaspoons (US), tablespoons (US), fluid ounces (US), cups (US), pints (US), quarts (US), Gallons (US), teaspoons (UK), tablespoons (UK), fluid ounces (UK), cups (UK), pints (UK), quarts (UK), Gallons (UK), cubic inches, cubic feet, cubic yards
Converter for linear imperial and metric measures, Nanometres, microns, millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres, inch, feet yards, miles, nautical miles
Weight and Mass
Converter for weight (gravity dependant) mass (constant regardless of gravity). Carats, milligrams, centigrams, decigrams, grams, decagrams, hectograms, kilograms, metric tonnes, ounces, pounds, stones, short tons (US) long tons (UK)_
Simple one - Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin
Always handy for energy bills and diets alike. Electron Volts (particle physics), Jules, kilojules, thermal calories, food calories, foot pounds, British thermal units,
Square millimetres, square centimetres, square meters, Hectares, square kilometres, square inches, square feet, square yards, acres, square miles
Centimetres per second, metres per second, kilometres per hour, feet per second, miles per hour, knots, mach
Microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days. weeks, years
Watts, kilowatts, horsepower (US), foot-ponds/minute, BTUs/minute
Watts, kilowatts, horsepower (US), foot-ponds/minute, BTUs/minute
Bits, bytes, kilobits, kibibits, kilobytes, kibibytes, megabits, mebibits, megabytes, gigabits, gibibits, gigabytes, gibibytes, terabits, tebibits, terabytes, tebibytes, petabits, pebibits, petabytes, pebibytes, exabits, exabibits, exabytes, exabibytes, zetabits, zebibits, zetabytes, zebibytes, yottabit, yobibits, yottabyte, yobibytes, yobibytes
Atmospheres, bars, kilopascals, millimetres of mercury, pascals, pounds per square inch
Degrees, Radians, Gradians