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Computer Cleaning Apps

Cleaners can be useful for tidying up  accumulation of files generated but no longer required by the system and apps. As to whether they improve system performance is debatable although many claim to do  just this. Its great to have a clean machine without thousands of junks files chewing up disk space and this should be the main focus in cleaning. Care has to be exercised when using cleaners that important files and caches are not deleted that contain important information. For example stored passwords in your browser or folders containing your jump list info.

There are inbuilt functions within Windows 10 to perform cleaning actions and many third party apps, most with Swiss army  capability performing analysis of other areas within the system and allowing changes to be made e.g. registry cleaning, control of startup programs, various windows tools, tweaks etc.

Inbuilt Options

Recycle Bin Icon.png
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Disk Cleanup
Temporary Files Icon.png
Storage Sense

Stores deleted files until you decide to dispose of  them or restore. This app is not activated naturally in Windows 10 - how to do this  is shown in the linked article.

This app belongs to the Windows Administrative Tools set.  The app performs a predefined scan of the specified drive or partition. Areas with files to be deleted are displayed and can be selected/deselected via a tick box

Browser Clean-up

Temporary only means not used all the time - However they are not automatically removed and they can continue to sit using disk space until actioned. There is a Windows 10 option that does just this.

Browser Cleaner-Up Icon.png

By using your browser you will accumulate temporary files and bloated caches for history, session information etc. Surfing incognito reduces this but all browsers have clean up functionality, There are also third party apps that can automate this

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Overtime you will install many apps. Some will be life savers others may only be required for a short time and still other may not do or perform as expected. Windows 10 provides an uninstall app. This can also save space 

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