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Creating Tables in Excel

Before you create a data table a certain amount of planning needs to take place. The number of columns or fields that are  required is the primary concern. This is not so important if you plan to use existing data already stored on an Excel sheet.

Starting from Scratch

  1. Open a blank worksheet and select a cell

  2. Select the Insert ribbon

  3. press the Table button

  4. From the Create Table pop out put a range in the Where is the data for your table box. Remember to ensure there are enough columns from your initial plan

  5. In most cases you need to tick the My table has headers box

Tabels - Starting from Scratch.png
Raw Table.png

The blank table can now be populated with your data. The column names need to be changed to the fields you defined in your plan. This and more is shown on the Tables Features page.

Using Existing Data

If you already have existing data but want to take advantage of the Table functionality then it can be converted to a table. Conversely an existing table can be converted back to data

  1. Select the range of raw data that you want to convert to a table

  2. Select the insert ribbon

  3. Select the Table button

    The Create Table dialogue input window opens already populated. Press the OK button and the table will be created 

Create Table 1.PNG
Table from Data.PNG
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